Friday, March 20, 2015


Since I last posted, and can it really have been that long ago, I've been busy doing stuff. Apparently, I haven't been posting about any of it. So here are some of the projects I've been up to.

I've continued to dye sock yarn for my lys, Spin of Door County The yarns are sold with the label, "My Door County Socks" and they are designed to evoke memories and the Spirit of the Door. In case you are not familiar with Door County, it is the finger of the Wisconsin glove. It is a lovely area in which to reside, and is also a very popular Midwest vacation destination.

More snow's a comin'
Here is one of the more than fifty yarns that I have designed and dyed. I've been having a great time playing with my colors.

I also have discovered knitting from the top down. I have made 12 different sweaters riffing on Deb and Lynda Gemmell's  "Basic Pullover" pattern from their book Top Down for Kids,  These sweaters have been auctioned off in a fundraiser at my cousin Jackie's church, St. Michael's in Barrington, IL, for the support of the people in the Diocese of Renk in South Sudan.

This is hand dyed and hand knit, and features little bobble snowmen. I like to do small projects. That way I get to get on with my next idea.

Well, I have to finish now because I have to go to my daughter's house to watch the Wisconsin Badger, basketball team win another game.

Good Stitches